Phase 3 Development
Visitors to the Reading Rooms will be well aware of the changes that we have managed to make in the last two years, which have been funding by grants from the Mid Copeland GDF Community Partnership, and by the Copeland Levelling Up fund. Among a long list of changes, Phase One included the replacement of the roof, floor and heating system, and Phase Two focused mainly on the interior refurbishment of the building.
The original planning permission included the fitting of solar panels, which is currently on hold, and some significant changes to the outside of the building.
Work is currently underway to secure funding to support Phase Three which will focus on the outside:
-the existing retaining wall will be reduced in height with a metal fence on top which will enable more light.
-the ramp entrance will be replaced by a lift, and a set of steps.
-the window to the right of the entrance will be replaced with a set of opening doors which will give access to an open patio-type area.